The triangle of light appeared a little after 11 in the morning. Kim – one of the founding coworkers at 414 – and I noticed it during a brief break from our work. She designs websites and I write; we were busy doing both this blustery March morning. Kim commented ‘it’s all coming together.’
That sounded about right: The bay windows, the angle of the sun, the conference room table. But it’s more than that: CoWork 414 is up and running. With the purchase of lockable pedestal file cabinets to go with the stand alone desks, ready for full- or part-time coworkers, the work spaces are outfitted.
The kitchen is in operation (yes, we do have a microwave – someone asked about that recently). And there are always homemade goodies on hand. Today, to go with the in-season clementines, we have applesauce cake.
That reminds me, everything’s coming together at CoWork 414 for our marketing workshops, too. These are brown bag lunch hours that will help you move your marketing forward (yes, kind of like the sun across that table). We had a very nice foursome for the first one, ‘Up Level Your Elevator Pitch.’
Some of the takeaways there were the importance of putting your pitch in terms your listener cares about. What are her concerns, worries and hopes? What keeps him awake at night that you have the solution to?
And, what do you do? It’s time to dispense with ‘I’m a [fill in the blank].’ Instead, talk about the value you bring. What’s the ultimate win that your clients get from your work? That’s what I’m talking about!
Next up is ‘Write Your First Press Release!’ Shall it be chocolate cake or berry pie to go with that? Help me decide … or just see the details here and check out the dessert that day.