COWORK IS GOOD FOR COMMUNITY CoWork 414, (aka 414 coworker Jeff Pooley) and Bonsall Shafferman Architects teamed up with other West Bethlehem businesses and community groups to give out free school supplies on Saturday, Aug. 18. This was all part of both reviving the West Broad Street Business Association and helping our neighborhood community. Saturday in the Park was WBBA’s first event in some time. The Calypso Elementary PTC and Mount Airy Neighborhood Association (MANA), which sponsors the Rose Garden Farmers Market, collaborated with us. We got to set up our tables and talk with farmers market visitors. Good to see lots of families coming out specifically because they heard about the school supplies, and they were interested to stop and find out more about the Broad Street and West Bethlehem businesses. Here’s the CoWork 414 table with welcome visitors:
Here’s Jeff (yes, under the tent … rain was on its way) with both the spiral notebooks and giving out erasers at MANA’s table (like we said, cowork is good for community):
We asked kids to draw what they wanted to be when they grow up. Here’s what they showed us:
Looking forward to bigger and even better ways to help and collaborate in the coming year!